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Customized Arts Learning Toolkit

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In this session, members of the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) will take you on a tour of a fabulous tool for customizing arts education—an approach that empowers theatre educators to design authentic lessons suited to the students in their classroom and the communities they are from. Learn how to use the Customized Arts Learning Toolkit to create dynamic learning experiences that inspire students to actively participate, explore, and express their own personal and cultural perspectives through theatre arts. Whether you're just starting your journey in teaching or you're a seasoned professional looking to enhance your practice, there's something valuable for everyone in this session.

Elizabeth Maughan

Fine Arts Project Manager

Oklahoma State Department of Education

Elizabeth Maughan is President for the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) and fine arts project manager at the Oklahoma State Department of Education. She also serves on the Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE) Research and Publications Committee. In addition, she is a member of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and advisor to the Oklahoma Alliance for Arts Education (OAAE). She has articles published in Oklahoma Music (OkMEA), Kansas Music Review (KMEA), Kodály Envoy, and Kronicle (OAKE). 

Cody Talarico

Fine Ats Education Specialist

Nebraska Department of Education

Cody Talarico, is a musician and supporter of arts education. Cody taught music in the Bellevue (NE) Public Schools and is currently serving Nebraska as the Fine Arts Education Specialist at the Nebraska Department of Education where he leads and supports visual arts, media arts, dance, music and theatre education.  Cody also serves arts education nationally, as a member-at-large on the Executive Team for SEADAE (State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education). He is a professional musician and an all-around fine arts fanatic who resides in the Omaha, NE, area with his family. One of his greatest joys is seeing how the arts and arts education connects us. 

Dr. Lauren Conrad

Education Associate for Visual and Performing Arts

Delaware Department of Education

Dr. Lauren Conrad serves as the Education Associate for Visual and Performing Arts for the Delaware Department of Education.  In this role Dr. Conrad oversees arts programming in public and charter schools in the state.  She works to provide high quality professional learning experiences for arts educators and provides guidance through an arts lens with the Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development workgroup at the DOE. Dr. Conrad taught vocal music education for 15 years where her primary role was to encourage human self-expression and academic excellence from her students through multiple choral ensembles.  Dr. Conrad is currently serving as President-Elect of the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE).

